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Audible Inaudible, Martin J Daughtry, 2016

I remember clinging to my mother in the basement of my uncle’s house in Suleymania in northern Iraq. I remember my relatives curled around candles, waiting for the loud noises outside to stop. Despite my fear, a sense of solidarity prevailed: I was surrounded by my...

Penetrating the Silence, Brooke Lynn McGovan, 2016

Hayv Kahraman’s latest body of work offers an acute and eloquent portrayal of the violence of sound. Brooke Lynn McGowan visits the artist at her studio and learns how trauma can ignite music, painting and reconciliation ‘The rest is done by outcry’...

Sonic Wounds, Brooke Lynn McGovan, 2016

The trigger was this sonic memory I have of growing up in Baghdad… the sound of the sirens. Whenever we’d be hit by air raids and bombs, etcetera, the siren would start. This was during the Gulf War in Iraq, so in 1991. Come to think of it, I’ve heard that...

Are we not all foreigners? Octavio Zaya, 2015

Without knowing the Arabic language (and, in this case, the particular dialect spoken and written in Iraq), I am afraid we will read the new paintings by Hayv Kahraman from a rather superficial, perhaps only aesthetic and formal, understanding of her rich and nuanced...